FullCycle is reversing the effects of climate change by accelerating the deployment of climate-restoring technologies.

Heleo, Next Big Idea Club

eSight makes glasses that help the legally blind see. Acquired by Gentex.

Fantasmo’s is a mobility tech business whose CPS provides hyper-accurate positioning that is a significant improvement over GPS. Acquired by TIER.

Cryptoys is an NFT native digital platform crafting fully interactive collectibles, Play-to-Earn games, and immersive next-level experiences.

An end-to-end methodology for launching new ventures, built on experience

An end-to-end methodology for launching new ventures, built on experience

To relieve suffering and enrich the human condition through means of developing and delivering safe, accessible gene therapy.

Artificial intelligence based brain health biomarkers at the subconcious level for Optimal Engagement, Better Treatment, and Cognitive Dominance

Early growth-stage technology venture capital.

Foot-strike analytics, mobile apps, and smart footwear.

The all-in-one platform to create, automate, and monetize trading strategies. Acquired by Augmented Era, creating a place of work for millions of people around the world.

Homemade meals made by professional home cooks, delivered with all the personal touches that make home-cooking so special. No prepping, no cooking, just eating.

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